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Create your own spa at home and pamper your feet with this Pedicure In A Box set.  First, detox, cleanse, and rejuvenate your feet by soaking your feet with a Pedi-Bomb.  Take in the refreshing aroma of peppermint, eucalytpus, and menthol as you relax and unwind from the stress of the day.  Follow up with a foot file and our Feet So Soft Foot Scrub to remove calloused, rough, problem areas on your feet. Lastly, lock in moisture by massaging your feet with our Feet So Soft Foot cream made with premium butters and plant-based oils that will soothe and moisturize your feet. This set is made from all natural, high quality ingredients and can be purchased to treat yourself or someone else in your life.

Pedicure In A Box

  • -Pedi Bombs (2)

    -Foot So Soft Foot Scrub (8 oz.)

    -Foot So Soft Foot Cream (4 oz.)

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